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Why Music?

The Full Story

Music changes lives. Check out these videos about HOW?

Joyce (Orchestra at Westwood HS in Austin) explains that the best part of music is being a part of something bigger than yourself. And while Joyce plans to go to medical school, she knows music will always be part of her life. Music connects us all in a unique and powerful way. 
Take a look at how music changes people's lives across the state and what music can teach us!
Amazon Web Services Director of Engineering David Borland shares how—even more than his degree in engineering—his music education set a solid foundation for his future. Through music, he developed work ethic, time management, grit, leadership, and teamwork.


3801 McDermott Rd.

Plano, TX 75025
Office: 469-633-5074

This website is maintained by the Fowler Middle School Orchestra independently from Fowler Middle School or the Frisco Independent School District. Neither Fowler Middle School nor Frisco ISD is responsible for the content of this website or the content of links external to it. 

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