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Fowler Middle School OrchestraBooster Club

The purpose of this organization is to arouse and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various phases of the Orchestra Department, lend all possible support, both moral and financial, as well as to build and maintain an organization of parents which will help promote the general activities of the Orchestra Department at FMS. This organization is a 501C3Non-Profit. 
Your support is greatly needed and appreciated!

General Members

All orchestra parents of Falcon Orchestra are automatically members of the Booster Club.  


Volunteering for one or more activities is a little thing that makes a BIG difference in not only your child’s future, but the Fowler Orchestra community as a whole. Please consider volunteering a bit of your time to one or more of our events this year.


The Frisco ISD requires all adults who will volunteer on school property or around students on official school activities to clear a background check. The online process looks a little bit like you're applying for a job with the Frisco ISD, but it is simply a volunteer application. Once you've submitted your "application" you will receive an email from the school district confirming that you have passed the background check. This email confirmation can take between 3 days - 3 weeks to receive. You must complete all of the necessary application information for FISD Volunteers before you can be selected as a chaperone. This has to be renewed at the beginning of each academic school year. It will not take long to complete, but give yourself a week to be processed. This is for our students’ safety. 


More information can be found here:


Application process can be started here:


Booster Board Members

Each year, we will seek support from parent members to fill the leadership officer roles. Look at the document below for specific descriptions of each position. If you are interested in any, please reach out to Ms. Lien


3801 McDermott Rd.

Plano, TX 75025
Office: 469-633-5074

This website is maintained by the Fowler Middle School Orchestra independently from Fowler Middle School or the Frisco Independent School District. Neither Fowler Middle School nor Frisco ISD is responsible for the content of this website or the content of links external to it. 

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